
TV Guide
Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5.x
Live Demo

One and only Joomla TV GUIDE Joomla Template, comes to you with many features and full bag of CSS tricks. TV GUIDE's unique layout options will give you an opportunity to create any kind of web presentation. Media, news, business, portal, dating, software, hosting, web shop , you name it. With 19 fully collapsible modules positions, 5 sliding modules shelf , extravagant Mootools Tooltips, IE PNG FIX TV GUIDE will make your visitors stay and bring more traffic.

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TV GUIDE Demo starter pack will have you up and running in minutes. Easy few click Joomla installation and you can have your own replica of our demo site. TV GUIDE pack comes with 3 new modules. Image slider V2 for Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.0 , long waited MY Frontpage Module V2 for both Joomla installations and YJ Horizontal Login Module for Joomla 1.5 and 1.0.

TV GUIDE features :

* 100% Tableless Design
* XHTML Valid check
* CSS Valid check
* 508 Valid
* 19 fully collapsible module positions
* 4 Additional module styles for each color
* PSD files included
* Joomla 1.0.x template
* Joomla 1.5 template
* Mambo 4.5 + compatible
* Default Suckerfish dropdown menu
* SMooth Dropdown menu (using mootools)
* 7 amazing color options
* Light weight and fast loading
* Demo Starter Joomla 1.5.2 and Joomla 1.0X Installation Included
* Extended Typography styles
* sIFR Integration
* IE6 png fix
* Adjustable width 1024px 800px
* Font resizing
* 3, 2, 1 column layout
* SEO features build in

Package contains:

* Joomla 1.x Installation
* Joomla 1.5 Installation
* Source files(PSD required)
* Image Slider V2.0 Joomla 1.0 New!
* Image Slider V2.0 Joomla 1.5 New!
* YJ Horizontal Login Joomla 1.5 New!
* YJ Horizontal Login Joomla 1.0.
* MY Frontpage Module V2 Joomla 1.0 New!
* MY Frontpage Module V2 Joomla 1.5 New!
* Demo Starter Pack Joomla 1.5.3
* Demo Starter Pack Joomla 1.0.15
* PSD , layout ,logo, brought to you by banner , 3 slides PSD

Browser support:

* IE7
* IE6
* Firefox for Windows
* Firefox for MAC 1.5+
* Opera
* Safari
* Netscape
* Camino 1+


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