
Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5.x
Live Demo

Let's face it there isn't much out there for Joomla web hosting templates, so this month we've stepped up to the challenge with a clean, professional looking hosting template, Hosticity! This month we have also introduced some new items - S5 Box with drop in or fade transitions, The NEW S5 Habla Chat module and the NEW S5 Domain Checker module.

This template comes fully packed with everything you would expect, S5 Site Shaper, S5 Tab Show, 20 module positions and 13 styles, custom widths, multiple preset styles and so much more! Be sure to check out our demo of Hosticity! DEMO HERE


* 100% tableless CSS
* Validates with XHTML
* Validates with CSS
* Joomla 1.5 compatible
* Joomla 1.0+ compatible
* New S5 Habla Chat module
* New S5 Domain Checker module
* Custom Widths
* SQL dump available
* 20 module positions
* Sliced PSDs included
* Site Shaper's available (demo quick installs)
* Fully collapsible module positions
* S5 Effects powered
* Lytebox enabled
* Tool Tips enabled
* 3 Menu systems: No-MooMenu Drop Down, No-MooMenu Fading or Suckerfish
* Custom page and column widths
* Compatible with the following browsers:

o IE6
o IE7
o Firefox 1.5+
o Opera 9+
o Safari
o Netscape
o Advant

1 Comment

1 Response so far.

  1. Addison says:

    Marvelous piece of work! What am I allowed and not allowed to do with the template? Thanks for sharing.
    Photoshop Design