
Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5.x
Live Demo

Want to make a fresh and functional Joomla magazine/news portal site? Magazine Plazza is the answer.
This new template is designed to fullfill your needs of a fresh, clean, and flexible template for your joomla portal.
This template brings alot of features (listed below) and also equipped with two additional "news presentation type" joomla modules, Nice Frontpage and Lated NewsPlusDate, that will enrich your joomla site looks and also make your joomla site to be more functional.

Features :

- 34 fully collapsible module positions
- Support Joomla 1.0.xx and Joomla 1.5 (native)
- Quickstart package included for both of J 1.0xx and J 1.5 versions
- Nicefrontpage module included
- Latestnewsplusdate module included
- New TP Menu System with 7 menu style option
- Style Switcher with 7 webstyle, 7 fonts options, 3 font size options
- Gzip Loader for more/ faster loading
- TP Box integration, a plugin to display your video files, images, webpage, ajax etc in a Lightbox effect
- Mootips and IE6 Png fix embeded
- Compatible with FF, IE7, IE6, Safari, Opera
- Valid XHTML and CSS 2


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