
Newsline II
Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5.x
Live Demo

Newsline II is here ! V2 of ultimate Joomla News portal Newsline II template . comes with new tricks and extended content that can help you get your site up and running in no time. In this version we included 2 FLV players . Famous JW FLV player and Youjoomla FLV player will help you present your latest news videos and give your users one more reason to stay and come back for more.

Newsline II comes with fleet of new modules . In order to eliminate extra module positions and give you more space for your content items, Newsline II brings 2 new Joomla Extensions. Tabs Carousel and Youjoomla Sliding Modules will allow you to add additional module positions within a single Joomla module.

With 4 color styles , 4 Menus , new style switch that also includes front sIFR switch , 2 sexy sliding hidden panels, SEO features build in ,7 additional module styles, IE PNG fix , build in content, DEMO starter pack included , Newsline II is Queen of Joomla News Portals and is here to give your visitors unforgettable web experience .

NEWSLINE II features include:

* 100% Tableless Design
* XHTML Valid check
* CSS Valid check
* 508 Valid
* 14 fully collapsible module positions
* 4 Additional module styles for each color
* PSD files included
* Joomla 1.0.x template
* Joomla 1.5 template
* Mambo 4.5 + compatible
* Default Suckerfish dropdown menu
* SMooth Dropdown menu (using mootools)
* Standard Dropline
* SMooth Droline New!
* 4 amazing color options
* Light weight and fast loading
* Demo Starter Joomla 1.5.3 and Joomla 1.0X Installation Included
* Extended Typography styles
* IE6 png fix
* Adjustable width 1024px 800px
* Font resizing
* 2, 1 column layout
* SEO features build in


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