
Joomla 1.5.x
Live Demo

Put the focus back on your content without compromising on any of the flexiblity you've become accustomed to. Mocha has what it takes to be clear and consise with and deliver your message in a professional way. (Currently only for Joomla 1.5)

An introduction to Mocha
A highly customizable template

On the internet, content is king. Put the focus back on your content without compromising on any of the flexiblity you've become accustomed to. Mocha is all about delivering a clear and consise message with all the bells and whistles you would expect from JoomlaJunkie.
Full CSS Layout



2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    what do I do with the loader.eXe file inside of it? all it does is run some installers when I extract the rar.

  2. Agus Budi says:

    i'm sorry my friend ....
    try this one to download

    one's again
    i'm sorry

    this file contains 2 file:
    sorce (PNG File)
    and the template

    just install the template from joomla 1.5 backend

    Thanks for comment